Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Being a Graphic Designer: The ebb & flow of it all...

A few years ago, I read a blog about how DJ's undercut each other in order to get ahead. (ex. A DJ goes to a club and offers to rock out for $50 less than the current DJ. Then another DJ offers his services for $50 less. Before you know it, DJ's are only worth $50 a night. No one comes out on top except the club owner.) "What does this have to do with graphics?" You may ask. Well, the same thing happens... as a matter of fact, every industry has been affected by UNDERCUTISM. (I know it's not a word.)

I never thought I'd be affected by it. I go by the motto: "We all can eat!" Over the last few years, I've noticed that, here in Cleveland, there are an abundance of new Graphic Designers who've decided to charge alot less than the experienced (e.i. undercutting). If they only understood that they are hurting themselves in the long run.

Larger companies (like Jak Prints and Hot Cards) charge $125+ for designs. Some smaller companies (like mine) make sacrifices by charging up to $50 less. Newer graphic designers decide to charge alot less than that to attract new customers. (I saw a flyer posted from a new graphic designer willing to design flyers for $30. He doesn't realize that he's going to kill the game... and I don't mean that he's going to be successful either.).

What about Quality? What about Experience? What about respect for the other graphic designers? I would never try to undercut fellow designers (like Allure Graphics & others) who have spent years building their businesses and honing their skills. I've been designing (using Adobe Photoshop & other programs) since '96 and started my business in '99. My company picked up alot of business when I entered the poetry scene in '02.

  • Quality: Have you seen flyers that looked distorted or fuzzy? The designer doesn't have much experience with dpi. They may use pictures that may so small that they become pixelated when they expand them.
  • Experience: A designer like myself, who has been working in the field for numerous years, has not only gained experience but win-win relationships with their customers. New designers offering to charge alot less for services can form tension. customers may decide to try the new designer's services... UNDERCUTTING
  • Respect: Undercutting is disrespect... Period. Instead of learning or seeking advice from the seasoned designers, they jump in the game. Tension comes soon after.

Believe me, I'm not trying to stir up problems, I just want it to be known that we all can make a decent living doing what we love. I'm a lover of art. Some customers are looking for the best deal they can find. If you're offering 70% less than other companies, it's does not always mean that you're being competitive, it means you're not realizing how much you are really worth.

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